Long for personalized self-care customized to your needs and your voice?



New to Voice Your Resilience?

Discover if it’s for you…

  • 1:1 15-Minute Free Discovery Call

    New to Voice Your Resilience? Schedule Your Free Discovery Call with Maria


Struggling to find time for deep self-care?

The beauty of virtual 1:1s is you don't need to drive anywhere, get ready for anything -- just show-up as you are. You can count on receiving personalized support that targets your immediate needs.


Looking for an approach that’s rooted in science?

The specific use of your voice, key sound therapy instruments, and guided imagery meld together to rebalance your nervous system at the cellular level and to rewire your brain to create new neural pathways for long-lasting resilience.

Longing to find your authentic voice?

Many women have suffered a wounding around their voice making them feel vulnerable and unheard. Or, their voices may feel “stuck” or strained. Private sessions give you personalized attention to move past your vocal hurdles to experience true vocal freedom and authenticity of expression while providing great emotional resilience.

1:1 Stand Alone Vocal Sessions
(Online or in Person in Knoxville)

Features: targeted breath work, vagal vocal tools, body alignment & customized vocalises & song for greater resiliency you can use again & again!

Includes additional audio spa & customized session notes

$85* Single Session

*Pay from the heart is available on a case by case basis. Maria@VoiceYourResilience to inquire.

(60 minutes)

1:1 Recurring Vocal Sessions*
(Online or in Person in Knoxville)

Features: Long-term growth support that digs deeper into vagal health, recurring patterns, developing new neural pathways for life-time resiliency.

Includes weekly audio spa & customized session notes

$80* Recurring Sessions

*Pay for the heart is available on a case by case basis. Maria@VoiceYourResilience to inquire.

(60 minutes)

*Pre-requisite: Four 1:1 Sessions to establish your vocal resiliency practice. Recurring sessions can be taken weekly, bi-weekly or monthly

Sound Bath (in person only)

Deeply restful, non-invasive sound therapy experience utilizing singing bowls, tuning fork, drum. Maria’s voice is incorporated as a healing modality for your optimal care.

Integrates vagal breathing and vocal release with skeletal relaxation in a mountain setting (75 minutes)

Anatomy of a Sound Bath

1st session: $75*
Recurring Sessions: $70*

*Pay from the heart is available on a case by case basis. Maria@VoiceYourResilience to inquire.


  • Yes! Each 1:1 Voice Your Resilience session is customized specifically to you and your needs. No two sessions are ever the same.

  • Zoom sessions may be recorded, per request.

  • Yes! Customized session notes and easy to follow daily habit tips are included with every session.

    1:1’s also include a complimentary audio vocal meditation with every session.

  • Absolutely! VYR is about reconnecting to your innate voice — using the voice you use everyday, as an intentional source for your resilience and spiritual renewal.

Why is your voice the most direct and unique path to resilience?

It’s simply because your voice is intimately connected to your Vagal System – which regulates your nervous system and emotional state at the ground level.  Learning how to intentionally use your unique voice in personalized 1:1 sessions, gives you profound tools specific to you – not for simply coping, but for thriving and transforming how you experience life.

This is your birthright and not a luxury.

Your well-being depends on it.

Photo credit: Ralph Ravi Kayden

Did You Know?

The Center for Disease Control estimates that 85% of ALL diseases are rooted in emotional stress!

Vocalizing and singing has been scientifically shown to significantly reduce the stress hormone cortisol, resulting in an increase in emotional calm and resilience.

“Some days miracles sneak into our lives unexpectedly! This morning your class was cleaning out lots of dust bunnies and clutter in my cellar! Listening to you and healing at a cellular level is a treasure beyond words. The very specific vocal exercises are jewels. Thanks so much for following your purpose in life!”

Barb Doherty, Laguna Hills, CA

Online 1:1 sessions are conducted via FaceTime, Zoom, or by phone

Questions? Email Maria: