Your voice is a direct
path to your
joy & playfulness.

Are you tapping
into it?

Trouble bouncing back?

Unproductive mindsets, old stories, traumas, and stuck emotions are all forms of energy that block your flow and frustrate your ability to bounce back from life’s stresses. The intentional use of your voice is unparalleled in its ability to seek out, uproot, and unearth the subconscious energy that is blocking your bounce back.


Needing self-care?

The Voice Your Resiliences playshops & song circles are rooted in your innate vocal expression, bringing you back to your joy at its roots. Plus, you’ll experience the support of an intimate group of like-minded women who are on the journey alongside you.

Loved to sing as a child but feel you lost that?

Somewhere along the way, were you told not to sing, be “seen and not heard”, or “keep it to yourself?” If that sounds like you, then Voice Your Resilience Playshops & Song Circles are made to reconnect you to your earlier, spontaneous love of singing and using your voice. You’ll reaffirm the innate playful expression of your voice in a safe and nurturing environment. It’ll feel like a joyful reunion with a long-lost friend.


Playshops and Song Circles are playful and informative interactive Voice Your Resilience experiences that reconnect you to the inherent joy found in using your voice - naturally and playfully! Are you ready to discover your voice as your unique and most direct path to emotional resilience? Do you love to play, explore, and expand your self-awareness? If so, join me in the next transformative Playshop or Song Circle where you will experience your voice as your most efficient and direct pathway for your daily self-care and emotional resilience.

“Listening to Maria’s voice and engaging in her practices, I can feel my entire body flood with endorphins. I wish I could do it all day. Thank you, Maria, you are amazing!” 

-Susan Guerrero, Orange County Department of Ed, Mental Health.

Questions? Email Maria: