
“Some days miracles sneak into our lives unexpectedly! This morning your class was cleaning out lots of dust bunnies and clutter in my cellar! Listening to you and healing at a cellular level is a treasure beyond words. The very specific vocal
exercises are jewels. Thanks so much for following your purpose in life!”

Barb Doherty, Laguna Hills, CA

“Sometimes my emotions can be so strong and difficult to manage. When you guided me with the full-throated vocals, it connected me to my strength and, with the Holy Spirit, peace and joy which helped me rise above the sad moments that can be so strong at times.”

Geneva Shisbey, Lake Forest, California

 “Maria, that was really great. It was a relaxing experience and I would say at the end chanting ‘Shalom’ and hearing the singing bowl felt really restorative. I’m going to make that a daily practice. Thanks again!”                                        

Ann Gallagher, Trabuco Canyon, CA

 “Maria’s workshops are the cutting edge of a holistic approach to emotional resilience. She teaches and models evidence-based sound and movement practices that are empowering. She energizes participants and makes learning fun, too!”

Lucy A. Vezzuto, PhD, Social & Emotional Learning/Restorative Practice, Costa Mesa, CA

“By the time your 9am workshop came, I just wanted to go back to bed! My neck ached, and I was a mess inside. My neck was so bad, I thought I wouldn't get through the class. Then we got to the point where we were to breathe and have our hand on our tummies. I started to circle that area lightly over and over as you spoke. I realized it literally took the pain out of my shoulder, neck and head. I was amazed. Between the breathing and rubbing, it calmed me enough to let go. It's the first time I realized I had the ability to control that pain. It was a shock, but a wonderful one!”

Susan Ranahan, Lake Forest, CA

“When I was on oxygen 24/7 in the early stages of breast cancer recovery, I was told I would always need it. However, I was determined to breath independently again. That is when Maria Simeone shared her gentle breathing techniques with me. I found they helped and I practiced them several times a day. Within a short time, I was able to remove the oxygen for longer periods and then, altogether. My breathing is now excellent. Maria’s breathing techniques helped pave the way for me, so I could breathe independently. As a result, I have recommended her videos to
my friends.”

 Elizabeth Christie, Sydney, Australia

“It was a pleasure to attend your workshop! I got so much out of it. The content was valuable and FUN! I can see this being a wonderful way for women to heal and have community. You did a great job presenting the material. My take-away was a relaxed body-mind, and the time spent felt very much like an act of loving-kindness and self-nurture. Having us muted was great because there were no distractions and I could really explore my voice which felt very healing. I was intrigued how my voice relaxed my body. I've always known that singing is good for us, but I've never explored it in the way you guided us. Very enjoyable.”

Deborah Burroughs, Sweetwater, TN

“I did your JOY meditation today. It literally came at a moment I needed it most. I had just finished crying with my colleagues about the worries for loved ones experiencing stress and health issues with covid. We talked about counting our blessings. Your email came to me and I sang Joy, Amen, and Home. Those are the words that came to me. It relaxed me and reminded me to take care of myself.”

Viviana Jelinek, Costa Mesa, CA

 “Listening to Maria’s voice and engaging in her practices, I can feel my entire body flood with endorphins. I wish I could do it all day. Thank you, Maria, you are amazing!” 

Susan Guerrero, Orange County CA Department of Ed, Mental Health

“When love is the motivating force behind program development that is also buttressed by knowledge and experience, you find a refreshing, highly practical quality to it. That’s what you get with Maria Simeone.  Maria has been motivated by love to create practical, easy to use activities that support social-emotional learning and resilience.”

Alyssa Janney, MBA, Music4Health Consulting, Santa Fe, NM